
FormerNo.1MaratSafinwillmarrymodelAnnaDruzyaka,theRussianpressreports.SafinandDruzyakawillreportedlyholdceremoniesbothinMoscowandNew ...,MaratMubinovichSafinisaRussianformerprofessionaltennisplayerandformerpolitician.HewasrankedastheworldNo.1inmen'ssinglesbythe ...,FamousRussiantennisplayerMaratSafinisgettingmarriedtomodelAnnaDruzyaka.TheywillgetmarriedinMoscowinearlysummerandthen ...,MaratSaf...

Marat Safin has committed.....

Former No. 1 Marat Safin will marry model Anna Druzyaka, the Russian press reports. Safin and Druzyaka will reportedly hold ceremonies both in Moscow and New ...

Marat Safin

Marat Mubinovich Safin is a Russian former professional tennis player and former politician. He was ranked as the world No. 1 in men's singles by the ...

Marat Safin gets married

Famous Russian tennis player Marat Safin is getting married to model Anna Druzyaka. They will get married in Moscow in early summer and then ...

Marat Safin before going to see his wife at the hotel

Marat Safin before going to see his wife at the hotel me: Marat, may I take a picture with you please? Marat: Yes, but make it quick, my wife is waiting for me.

Instagram photo by Marat Safin • Aug 31, 2023 at 5

9th wedding anniversary and 13 years together. I couldn't imagine when I said yes that it would be such an interesting adventure❤️ ...

Instagram photo by Marat Safin • Jan 1, 2024 at 4

9th wedding anniversary and 13 years together. I couldn't imagine when I said yes that it would be such an interesting adventure❤️ ...

Marat Safin and Anna Druzyaka - happy together

Marat Safin and Anna Druzyaka The famous Russian tennis player Marat Safin has fallen in love for the third time! and with the same person!

Marat Safin: “I don't want a relationship” : rtennis

Marat will always be the man. But it's interesting to hear his take on life. I wonder how much his view changed after those spiritual trips he went on.

Henin, Safin Head to Hall-Wedding Bells-Novak's Secret

... Marat Safin elected to the Hall of Fame, Flavia Pennetta and Fabio Fognini set wedding date, Davis Cup recap, and Boris Becker reveals the ...